B-308. Exam Schedule Building B

Fri, 17 May, 09:00 — 13:00
Post-graduate research and writing of scientific qualification work (dissertation) for seekers of “Candidate of Sciences” deegree A20-301 Ananieva E.A. , Kuznetsov V.V.
Thu, 30 May, 14:00 — 17:00
Reserved Dep. 19 B23-261 , B23-403 , B23-603 Soroka I.V.
Fri, 31 May, 14:00 — 16:00
Reserved Dep. 19 B23-261 , B23-403 , B23-603 Soroka I.V.
Thu, 20 Jun, 09:00 — 13:00
Physical Chemistry A21-301 Konyuhov V.Y. , Ananieva E.A. , Glagoleva M.A.
Tue, 25 Jun, 09:00 — 13:00
Post-graduate research and writing of scientific qualification work (dissertation) for seekers of “Candidate of Sciences” deegree A21-301 Ananieva E.A. , Kuznetsov V.V.