dep.9. Exam Schedule Building without number

Tue, 26 Dec, 14:30 — 16:05
Industry Workshop (Scientific Research Work): Application of Experimental, Theoretical and Computational Methods of Materials Research in the Field Of Energy M16-107, M17-107 Chernov I.I. , Krymskaya O.A. , Kuleshova E.A. , Polskiy V.I. , Yakushin V.L.
Tue, 23 Jan, 09:00 — 13:00
Industry Workshop (Scientific Research Work): Application of Experimental, Theoretical and Computational Methods of Materials Research in the Field Of Energy M16-107 Sevryukov O.N.
Fri, 26 Jan, 09:00 — 13:00
Practical Training (Research Work) B14-104 Sevryukov O.N. , Polskiy V.I.