IBRAE RAN. Exam Schedule Building without number

Thu, 04 Jun, 10:15 — 11:50
Research of thermohydraulics in reactor installations with water and liquid metal coolant M19-117 Mosunova N.A. , Ilyasova O.H.
Thu, 04 Jun, 13:35 — 15:15
Nuclide kinetics and radiation safety of fast reactors and closed nuclear fuel cycle M19-117 Seleznev E.F.
Fri, 19 Jun, 09:00 — 13:00
Research of thermohydraulics in reactor installations with water and liquid metal coolant M19-117 Mosunova N.A. , Ilyasova O.H.
Tue, 23 Jun, 09:00 — 13:00
Nuclide kinetics and radiation safety of fast reactors and closed nuclear fuel cycle M19-117 Seleznev E.F.