Korolev A.S.

Korolev Anton S.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Technology

Visiting professor

Отдел образовательных программ высшей инжиниринговой школы института ядерной физики и технологии НИЯУ МИФИ (ИЯФиТ ВИНЖШ ООП)
  • К-1213
  • 8348
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Works at MEPhI since 2011
Work Experience: 18 years


2002 — Moscow Technological University


1. Business-ethics, communications and team building
2. Configuration management of complex engineering objects
3. Principles of Systems Engineering
4. Requirement Analysis and Management
5. Scientific Research Work (Systems Engineering)
6. Standardization and methodological support for the development of complex engineering facilities
7. System analysis and system engineering. Project management and methodology of project activities.
8. Unified Information Space Architecture for the Life Circle of an NPP
9. Verification and Validation
10. Visualization and presentation of projects

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