Dergunova E.A.

Dergunova Elena A.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Technology

Associate Professor

Department of Physical Issues in Materials Science
Works at MEPhI since 2004
Work Experience: 19 years


Leading researcher of JSC "VNIINM", has been working at VNIINM since 1972 after graduation from MISIS, is engaged in research of composite technical superconductors and development of technology for their production, Ph.D., title - associate professor, completed an internship at McMaster University (Canada, Hamilton) on high-strength composite materials based on Cu-Nb, have more than a hundred scientific publications, 4 educational and methodical manuals, I am a co-author of the textbook "Physical Materials Science" (Volume 8 "Materials Science of superconducting materials").
external part-time researcher at the MEPhI Research Institute at the Department of Physical Problems of Materials Science since 2004
as an associate professor


1. Practical Training (Research Work)
2. Reactor Materials Science
3. Technology of superconductor production

Publication activity

h-index (Web of Science)
h-index (Scopus)

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