Vasilieva N.L.

Vasilieva Nataliya L.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology

Associate Professor

Department of Foreign Languages
Send message Autumn 2024. Schedule


Works at MEPhI since 2010
Work Experience: 26 years


1. English Language
2. English: Subject-Specific Terminology
3. Foreign Language
4. Principles of Professional Communication in a Foreign Language

Publication activity

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  1. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
  2. RSCI Characteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourseCharacteristics of functioning of the complex sentence with the temporal clause as a means of expressing taxis in modern English narrative discourse // 2022 pp. 78-84

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