Bayaskhalanov M.V.

Bayaskhalanov Mikhail V.

Head of Department

Отдел сопровождения практик на базе Ресурсных центров НИЯУ МИФИ управления развития коммуникаций НИЯУ МИФИ (УРК ОСПРЦ)

Senior Lecturer

Department of thermophysics (13, ИЯФиТ КАФ.13)
Works at MEPhI since 2015
Work Experience: 6 years


2016 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Academic Practice (Introductoion)
2. Computational Thermophysics
3. Course project (engineering calculations and design of nuclear power plants)
4. Fast Reactors
5. Industrial workshop (research, thermal physics of nuclear power plants)
6. Industry Workshop: technology
7. New Generation Nuclear Reactors
8. Numerical methods in thermal physics (part 1)
9. Practical Training (Research Work)

Publication activity

h-index (Web of Science)
h-index (Scopus)

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