Solovyeva Y.A.

Solovyeva Yuliya A.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Philology

Associate Professor

Кафедра специальной лингвистической подготовки (№62) института международных отношений НИЯУ МИФИ (62, Кафедра специальной лингвистической подготовки)
Works at MEPhI since 2023
Work Experience: 17 years


1. English for Specific Purposes: Business Correspondence
2. English Language

Publication activity

Showing publications for last 3 years

  1. Article ROLE-PLAYING GAME AS A TOOL FOR TEACHING BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE IN ENGLISH // Bulletin Almanach Science Association France- Kazakhstan, Association France-Kazakhstan, 2024 Vol. 4 pp. 236-245
  2. Article Role play in English language teaching // 2024 No. 6 pp. 65-73
  3. Article « Mnemonics for mastering vocabulary in the discipline "Business correspondence in English" // Scientific Aspect, Aspect, 2024 No. 6
  4. Article Factors enhancing very young learners language education // Forum, Volgograd branch of The Moscow State Humanitarian and Economic University, 2024 No. Современное состояние и тенденции развития гуманитарных и экономических наук pp. 100-104
  5. Book Studying Global Issues // 2024
  6. Article Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in English and Russian Business Correspondence Discourse // 2023 pp. 767-774
  7. Article Modern Approaches to a Lesson of English // 2023 pp. 1443-1454
  8. Article Emotional Vocabulary in the English Business Correspondence. // Stolypinskiy Vestnik, 2023 No. 7

Showing conferences for last 3 years

  1. Март 2024 International Conference. Foreign Languages in Higher Educational Institution: reality and prospects Report: Go digital
  2. Ноябрь 2023 Teaching Foreign Languages - current problems and solutions.
  3. Декабрь 2023 Teaching Foreign Languages in an open multicultural environment

Повышение квалификации

August 05, 2024 AI Tools for Language Teachers (2 hours)
July 15, 2024 — August 05, 2024 ELT Methodology (20 hours) English with Anastasiia Zakharova
April 09, 2024 — June 10, 2024 British Soul Course Solo (12 hours) British Phonetics School
March 01, 2024 — April 19, 2024 International Business Correspondence (16 hours) Learning Centre "Relod"
March 01, 2019 — March 22, 2019 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (150 hours) Arizona State University, the USA
March 01, 2017 — March 22, 2017 Teaching English Online (12 hours) Cambridge Assessment
February 01, 2015 — March 15, 2015 Exploring English Language and Culture (24 hours) British Council
November 05, 2007 — November 16, 2007 Social and Political Science Training (72 hours) University of California, San Diego, California, the USA


The Global Leadership Institute

"Social and Political Studies Training", USA

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