Sushchev I.S.

Sushchev Ivan S.


Кафедра криптологии и кибербезопасности (№42) научно-образовательного центра "безопасность интеллектуальных киберфизических систем (ноц "бикс") института интеллектуальных кибернетических систем НИЯУ МИФИ (42, Кафедра криптологии и кибербезопасности (№42) научно-образовательного центра "безопасность интеллектуальных киберфизических систем (ноц "бикс") инстит)
Works at MEPhI since 2022
Work Experience: 1 year


Graduated from Physics Department of MSU with honors. Studied "Quantum Computation" master's programm in Quantum Technology Centre of MSU. Currently holding the position of a lead specialist in the SFB Lab, Ltd. Scientific interests are: laser physics, quantum technologies, quantum cryptography, quantum hacking, certification of quantum systems.


2022 — Moscow State University


1. Physical Principles of Quantum Informatics
2. Principles of quantum cryptography

Publication activity

Showing publications for last 3 years

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Showing conferences for last 3 years

  1. Июнь 2022 20th International Conference on Laser Optics "ICLO 2022" Report: Measuring the "backflash" probability of a single-photon detector with a time correlator
  2. Июнь 2022 20th International Conference on Laser Optics "ICLO 2022" Report: Laser damage attack on a simple optical attenuator widely used in fiber-based QKD systems
  3. Май 2022 SPIE Quantum Technologies 2022 Report: Influence of QKD apparatus parameters on the backflash attack
  4. Сентябрь 2021 SPIE Security + Defence 2021 Report: Practical security analysis against the Trojan-horse attacks on fiberbased phase-coding QKD system in the wide spectral range

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