Byrkin V.A.

Byrkin Victor A.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Physics and Mathematics

Associate Professor

Department of Molecular Physics (10, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.10)

Leading Engineer

Department of Molecular Physics (10, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.10)

Senior Research Fellow

Лаборатория «Прикладная ионная физика и масс-спектрометрия» НИЯУ МИФИ (ЛАБ.ПИФМС)
Works at MEPhI since 2011
Work Experience: 13 years


2009 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Hydrodynamics
2. Methods and Models of Modern Statistical Mechanics
3. Practical Training (Research Work)
4. Surface Physics

Publication activity

h-index (Web of Science)
h-index (Scopus)
h-index (РИНЦ)

Showing publications for last 3 years

  1. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Quasi-static filling of a disordered nanoporous medium with a non-wetting liquid as a process of self-organized criticality // Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2024 Vol. 135 doi

Showing conferences for last 3 years

Conferences not found

Повышение квалификации

March 07, 2022 — March 28, 2022 Introduction to Data Science in Python (23 hours) University of Michigan. Coursera

Членство в редколлегиях научных журналов

Jun 2020 — Oct 2020 Journal of Physics: Conference Series

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