Malyshev Y.V.

Malyshev Yuriy V.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Technology, Philosophiae Doctor

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Systems and Technologies (12, ИИКС КАФ.12)

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Systems and Technologies (12, ИИКС КАФ.12)
Works at MEPhI since 2019
Work Experience: 14 years


Postgraduate studies 1999-2001. Thesis defense in 2001. Doctoral studies in 2001-2005. Since 2001, leading researcher at the scientific organization 'Main Computing Center of Intourist'. From 2013 to 2020, a software engineer of the 2nd category of 'Concern 'Morinformsystema-Agat'.


1. Databases
2. Databases (Database Systems Security)
3. Databases (Theoretical and Practical Basis)
4. Intelligent Information Systems
5. Network Technology And Telecommunications Network Design

Повышение квалификации

October 10, 2023 — November 01, 2023 Problems and opportunities for using artificial intelligence in education (16 hours) Moscow, Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University MEPhI" (MEPhI)
December 08, 2020 — February 18, 2021 Procedure for passing state accreditation of educational activities of a university (72 hours) Moscow, Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Nuclear University MEPhI" (MEPhI)
November 01, 2014 — August 19, 2016 Programming in languages ​​of the C family (208 hours) Moscow, Educational private institution of additional professional education "Center of computer training" Specialist" Educational and scientific center at Bauman University

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