Miloslavskaya N.G.

Miloslavskaya Natalia G.

Degree: Doctor of Sciences in Technology, Philosophiae Doctor


Кафедра информационной безопасности банковских систем (№44) научно-образовательного центра "безопасность интеллектуальных киберфизических систем (44, ИИКС НОЦ БИКС КАФ.44)
Works at MEPhI since 1985
Work Experience: 39 years


1985 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
2015 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Assessment of Information Technology Security
2. Blockchain Technology and Cybersecurity
3. Computing Systems Security
4. Information Security Incident Management
5. Information Security: Protection Methods and Systems
6. Network Security Centers
7. Pedagogical practice
8. Practical Training (Research Work)

Publication activity

h-index (Web of Science)
h-index (Scopus)
h-index (РИНЦ)

Showing publications for last 3 years

  1. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Security Architecture of Network Security Centers as Part of Modern Intranets // Procedia Computer Science, 2022 Vol. 213, No. C, Q2 pp. 58-63 doi
  2. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Open Source INTelligence Tools // Procedia Computer Science, 2022 Vol. 213, No. C, Q2 pp. 83-88 doi
  3. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    The Use of Virtual Reality Technologies in the Specialists' Training in the Field of Information Security // Procedia Computer Science, 2022 Vol. 213, No. C, Q2 pp. 223-231 doi
  4. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Information Security Management Maturity Models // Procedia Computer Science, 2022 Vol. 213, No. C, Q2 pp. 49-57 doi
  5. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Preface // IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2022 Vol. 650 IFIP, TOP10 pp. v-vi
  6. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    How to Overcome Staff Shortage in Professionals for SOCs and NSICs // IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2022 Vol. 650 IFIP, Q3 pp. 31-45 doi
  7. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Blockchain Redacting Algorithm with Storing Votes Inside the Chain // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022 Vol. 468 LNNS, Q4 pp. 171-181 doi
  8. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Maturity Concept and Model Review // Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022 Vol. 468 LNNS, Q4 pp. 182-191 doi
  9. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Network Protection Tools for Network Security Intelligence Centers // Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Vol. 190, Q2 pp. 597-603 doi
  10. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    A Brief Evolution of Network Protection Tools and Methods // Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Vol. 190, Q2 pp. 590-596 doi
  11. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Problems of Using Redactable Blockchain Technology // Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Vol. 190, Q2 pp. 582-589 doi
  12. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Formation of General Professional Competencies in Academic Training of Information Security Professionals // IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2021 Vol. 615, Q3 pp. 13-26 doi
  13. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    A Brief History and Overview of WISE // IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2021 Vol. 615, Q3 pp. 3-9 doi
  14. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Block Formation for Storing Data on Information Security Incidents for Digital Investigations // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 Vol. 1310, НЕТ pp. 283-294 doi
  15. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Cyber Polygon Site Project in the Framework of the MEPhI Network Security Intelligence Center // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 Vol. 1310, НЕТ pp. 295-308 doi
  16. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Network Security Intelligence Centres for Information Security Incident Management // Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 Vol. 1310, НЕТ pp. 270-282 doi

Showing conferences for last 3 years

Conferences not found

Профессиональная переподготовка

October 07, 2014 — June 24, 2015 IT security (270 hours) NRNU MEPhI


Jan 2018 — Dec 2020 Investigation of the applicability of graphs and secure Big Data for the formation of typologies of criminal schemes for efficient countering the threats of financing of terrorism and anti-money laundering RFBR

Членство в редколлегиях научных журналов

from Feb 2008 IT Security
Jan 2008 — Jan 2013 Information Technologies and Control

The agreement on processing personal data is obtained in accordance with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" from 27/07/2006 N 152-FZ