Rahmatulin A.B.

Rahmatulin Aleksandr B.

Specialist in Educational and Methodical Work (1 category)

Department of Automation (2, Кафедра автоматики (№2) института физико-технических интеллектуальных систем НИЯУ МИФИ)

Senior Lecturer

Department of Automation (2, Кафедра автоматики (№2) института физико-технических интеллектуальных систем НИЯУ МИФИ)
Works at MEPhI since 2000


1980 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Automated design of electronic components and circuits
2. Design, Technology, Production and Operations of Electronic Equipment
3. Practicum Project
4. Workshop: basics of designing cyber-physical devices and systems

Publication activity

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