Sukharev M.B.

Sukharev Mikhail B.

Degree: Candidate of Sciences (PhD) in Physics and Mathematics

Associate Professor

Department of applied mathematics (31, Кафедра прикладной математики № 31 института лазерных и плазменных технологий НИЯУ МИФИ)

Senior Research Fellow

Department of applied mathematics (31, Кафедра прикладной математики № 31 института лазерных и плазменных технологий НИЯУ МИФИ)
Works at MEPhI since 1995
Work Experience: 29 years


2015 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Mathematical Physics Equations

Publication activity

h-index (Web of Science)
h-index (Scopus)
h-index (РИНЦ)

Showing publications for last 3 years

  1. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    2D Numerical Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Bands Formation // AIP Conference Proceedings, 2022 Vol. 2425, Q4 doi

Showing conferences for last 3 years

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