Moshev A.A.

Moshev Aleksandr A.

Head of Department

Отдел практики и трудоустройства студентов дирекции развития карьеры и взаимодействия с работодателями учебного департамента НИЯУ МИФИ (УД ДРКВР ОПТС)


Department of device and installation design (18, ИФТИС КАФ.18)
Works at MEPhI since 2015
Work Experience: 3 years


2018 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Principles of Engineering Design
2. Term Project: Basics of Engineering and CAD

Publication activity

h-index (Scopus)
h-index (РИНЦ)

Showing publications for last 3 years

  1. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Application of the CDIO standards for cyber-physical education in mechatronics and robotics in a research university on the example of development of 3D-modeling and design skills // Procedia Computer Science, 2021 Vol. 190, Q2 pp. 812-816 doi

Showing conferences for last 3 years

Conferences not found

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