Institute of Engineering Physics for Biomedicine

Akmalova Y.A.

Akmalova Yulia A.

Senior Lecturer Department of Medical Physics (35, ИФИБ КАФ.35)
Andreev S.G.

Andreev Sergey G.

Associate Professor Department of Semiconductor Quantum Electronics (88, ИФИБ КАФ.88)
Ahlyustina E.V.

Ahlyustina Ekaterina V.

Senior Lecturer Department of Laser Micro and Nano Technologies (87, ИФИБ КАФ.87)
Engineer Department of Laser Micro and Nano Technologies (87, ИФИБ КАФ.87)
Research engineer "Bionanophotonics" Laboratory (ИФИБ ЛАБ БИОФОТ)

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