Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering

Avdeev S.V.

Avdeev Sergey V.

Visiting professor Department of Experimental Nuclear and Space Physics (7, ИЯФиТ КАФ.7)
Averyanov G.P.

Averyanov German P.

Associate Professor Department of Electrophysical Installations (14, Кафедра электрофизических установок (№14) института ядерной физики и технологий НИЯУ МИФИ)
Aksentiev A.E.

Aksentiev Aleksandr E.

Leading Engineer Department of Electrophysical Installations (14, Кафедра электрофизических установок (№14) института ядерной физики и технологий НИЯУ МИФИ)
Associate Professor Department of Electrophysical Installations (14, Кафедра электрофизических установок (№14) института ядерной физики и технологий НИЯУ МИФИ)
Aleeva T.B.

Aleeva Tatyana B.

Associate Professor Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Nuclear Reactors (5, ИЯФиТ КАФ.5)
Aleksandrin S.Y.

Aleksandrin Sergey Y.

Senior Lecturer Department of Experimental Nuclear and Space Physics (7, ИЯФиТ КАФ.7)
Electronics Engineer 1st Category Department of Experimental Nuclear and Space Physics (7, ИЯФиТ КАФ.7)
Aleksandrov I.S.

Aleksandrov Ivan S.

Associate Professor Department of Experimental Methods in Nuclear Physics (11, ИЯФиТ КАФ.11)
Senior Research Fellow Interdepartmental Laboratory of Experimental Nuclear Physics (ИЯФиТЛАБ ЭЯФ)
Alfimov M.N.

Alfimov Mikhail N.

Associate Professor Department of High Energy Physics (40, ИЯФиТ КАФ.40)
Andrienko Y.A.

Andrienko Yuriy A.

Associate Professor Higher School of Engineering (132, ИЯФиТ ВИНЖШ)
Apse V.A.

Apse Vladimir A.

Research engineer Научно-исследовательская лаборатория «Моделирование инновационных ядерных реакторов и ядерных топливных циклов» института ядерной физики и технологий НИЯУ МИФИ (ИЯФиТ НИЛ МИЯРТЦ)
Senior Lecturer Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Nuclear Reactors (5, ИЯФиТ КАФ.5)
Arhangelskaya I.V.

Arhangelskaya Irina V.

Senior Lecturer Department of Experimental Nuclear and Space Physics (7, ИЯФиТ КАФ.7)
Arhipov V.V.

Arhipov Vitaliy V.

Specialist in Educational and Methodical Work (1 category) Department of thermophysics (13, ИЯФиТ КАФ.13)
Associate Professor Department of thermophysics (13, ИЯФиТ КАФ.13)
Astapov I.I.

Astapov Ivan I.

Associate Professor Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD (607, ИЯФиТ НЕВОД)
Senior Research Fellow Scientific and Educational Center NEVOD (607, ИЯФиТ НЕВОД)
Afanasiev V.V.

Afanasiev Valeriy V.

Associate Professor Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Nuclear Reactors (5, ИЯФиТ КАФ.5)

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