Institute of Nuclear Physics and Engineering

Chernov E.V.

Chernov Evgeniy V.

Leading Engineer Educational Research laboratory: "Modeling of physical processes for safe operation of nuclear power plants» (ИЯФиТ ЛАБ МФПОБЯУ)
Senior Lecturer Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Nuclear Reactors (5, ИЯФиТ КАФ.5)
Chernov I.I.

Chernov Ivan I.

Professor Department of Physical Issues in Materials Science (9, ИЯФиТ КАФ.9)
Chernysheva I.V.

Chernysheva Irina V.

Associate Professor Department of Experimental Nuclear and Space Physics (7, ИЯФиТ КАФ.7)
Chernyshev B.A.

Chernyshev Boris A.

Associate Professor Department of High Energy Physics (40, ИЯФиТ КАФ.40)
Senior Research Fellow Department of High Energy Physics (40, ИЯФиТ КАФ.40)

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