Karabushchenko N.B.

Karabushchenko Natalya B.

Degree: Doctor of Sciences in Psychology


Кафедра психологии, социологии и антропологии (№79) института фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук НИЯУ МИФИ (79, Кафедра психологии, социологии и антропологии (№79) института фундаментальных проблем социо-гуманитарных наук НИЯУ МИФИ)

Deputy Head of Division

Department of Academic Affairs: Division of technical and documentary support (Отдел методического и документационного обеспечения учебного процесса управления организации учебной деятельности учебного департамента)
Works at MEPhI since 2022
Work Experience: 25 years


1. Elements of psychology and pedagogy

Повышение квалификации

December 11, 2023 — December 15, 2023 Topical issues of psychology: theory and practice (36 hours) ANO DPO "Moscow International Academy of Continuing Education and Social Research "Civilizational Renewal"
December 11, 2023 — December 15, 2023 Fine and applied arts (36 hours) ANO DPO "Moscow International Academy of Continuing Education and Social Research "Civilizational Renewal"
November 11, 2023 — December 08, 2023 Information and communication technologies in higher education (144 hours) ANO DPO "Moscow International Academy of Continuing Education and Social Research "Civilizational Renewal"
November 01, 2023 — November 30, 2023 Organizational, psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive higher education (144 hours) ANO DPO "Moscow International Academy of Continuing Education and Social Research "Civilizational Renewal"
October 02, 2023 — December 01, 2023 First aid in an educational organization (144 hours) ANO DPO "Moscow International Academy of Continuing Education and Social Research "Civilizational Renewal"
September 04, 2023 — November 03, 2023 Labor protection (70 hours) ANO DPO "Moscow International Academy of Continuing Education and Social Research "Civilizational Renewal"

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