Scherbakov A.A.

Scherbakov Aleksandr A.

Leading Engineer

Научно-исследовательская лаборатория «Моделирование инновационных ядерных реакторов и ядерных топливных циклов» института ядерной физики и технологий НИЯУ МИФИ (ИЯФиТ НИЛ МИЯРТЦ)

Senior Lecturer

Department of Experimental and Theoretical Physics of Nuclear Reactors (5, ИЯФиТ КАФ.5)
  • НЛК 3.13
Send message Spring 2024. Schedule


Works at MEPhI since 2016
Work Experience: 6 years


2020 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Course project: (basic design and CAD)
2. Descriptive Geometry
3. Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics
4. Life Safety
5. Principles of Engineering Design
6. Neutron transport theory
7. Physics of nuclear reactors
8. Theory of nuclear reactors

Publication activity

h-index (Scopus)
h-index (РИНЦ)

Showing publications for last 3 years

  1. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Justification of Scanning Contact Potentiometry Applicability to Test NPP Equipment during Its Manufacture // Physics of Atomic Nuclei, 2023 Vol. 86, No. 11 pp. 2370-2383 doi
  2. Article Justification of Scanning Contact Potentiometry Applicability to Test NPP Equipment during its Manufacture // GLOBAL NUCLEAR SAFETY, VITI (f) printing house of the MEPhI Research Institute, 2023 Vol. 1, No. 46 pp. 36-53 doi
  3. Article
    Web of Science & Scopus
    Virtual analog of uranium-water subcritical assembly // Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022 Vol. 172, Q2 doi

Showing conferences for last 3 years

Conferences not found

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