Fedorov S.G.

Fedorov Sergey G.

Senior Lecturer

Department of Metrology (78, ЛаПлаз КАФ.78)
Works at MEPhI since 2017
Work Experience: 7 years


2014 — National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


1. Metrology, Standardization and Certification

Publication activity

h-index (Web of Science)

Showing conferences for last 3 years

  1. Сентябрь 2021 9th scientific-practical conference "Ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the field of atomic energy use"; “Nuclear Instrumentation. Topical issues of development, production, operation. Metrology of ionizing radiation " Report: Development of methods and means of transferring a unit of absorbed dose (absorbed dose rate) of neutron radiation in mixed gamma-neutron fields to installations used in radiation therapy

Повышение квалификации

November 23, 2020 — December 04, 2020 Ensuring radiation safety during the operation of generating sources of ionizing radiation (72 hours) Obninsk, ACO APE "TECHNICAL ACADEMY OF ROSATOM"

Профессиональная переподготовка

October 07, 2020 — December 04, 2020 Additional professional education program "Metrology and metrological support" (274 hours) FSUE "VNIIFTRI"
October 01, 2015 — March 02, 2020 27.06.01 Management in technical systems (240 hours) FSUE "VNIIFTRI"

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