Institute of Nanoengineering in Electronics, Spintronics and Photonics

Petrov A.S.

Petrov Aleksandr S.

Visiting professor Department of Micro and Nano Electronics (27, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.27)
Plekhanov A.A.

Plekhanov Andrei A.

Assistant Department of Micro and Nano Systems (81, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.81)
Engineer Department of Micro and Nano Systems (81, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.81)
Podlepetskiy B.I.

Podlepetskiy Boris I.

Associate Professor Department of Micro and Nano Electronics (27, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.27)
Popov V.D.

Popov Viktor D.

Professor Department of Micro and Nano Electronics (27, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.27)
Poteshin S.S.

Poteshin Sergey S.

Associate Professor Department of Molecular Physics (10, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.10)
Leading Engineer Department of Molecular Physics (10, ИНТЭЛ КАФ.10)

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