Institute of General Professional Training

Lazarev E.A.

Lazarev Egor A.

Senior Lecturer Department of Physical Education (15, ИОПП КАФ.15)
Lapshinskiy V.A.

Lapshinskiy Valeriy A.

Associate Professor Department of Engineering Graphics (34, ИОПП КАФ.34)
Leading Engineer Department of Engineering Graphics (34, ИОПП КАФ.34)
Larina O.R.

Larina Oksana R.

Assistant Department of Russian as a Foreign Language (49, ИОПП КАФ.49)
Lauer Y.A.

Lauer Yuliya A.

Lecturer Department of Physical Education (15, ИОПП КАФ.15)
Latsenov R.A.

Latsenov Ravil A.

Associate Professor Department of Physical Education (15, ИОПП КАФ.15)
Leonov A.S.

Leonov Aleksandr S.

Professor Department of Mathematics (30, ИОПП КАФ.30)
Senior Research Fellow Department of applied mathematics (31, Кафедра прикладной математики № 31 института лазерных и плазменных технологий НИЯУ МИФИ)
Leonova N.M.

Leonova Nataliya M.

Professor Department of Informatics and Management Processes (17, ИОПП КАФ.17)
Ligidov A.Z.

Ligidov Azamat Z.

Visiting professor Department of General Physics (6, ИОПП КАФ.6)
Lipanova N.V.

Lipanova Natalya V.

Senior Lecturer Department of General Chemistry (19, ИОПП КАФ.19)
Leading Engineer Department of General Chemistry (19, ИОПП КАФ.19)
Lipatov K.A.

Lipatov Konstantin A.

Leading Engineer Department of General Physics (6, ИОПП КАФ.6)
Senior Lecturer Department of General Physics (6, ИОПП КАФ.6)
Logashova T.A.

Logashova Tatyana A.

Lecturer Department of Physical Education (15, ИОПП КАФ.15)
Lvov E.I.

Lvov Evgeniy I.

Associate Professor Department of Electrical Engineering (8, ИОПП КАФ.8)

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