Institute of General Professional Training

Evsina N.S.

Evsina NSNosikova S.

Senior Lecturer Department of General Physics (6, ИОПП КАФ.6)
Egorova I.V.

Egorova Irina V.

Senior Lecturer Department of Foreign Languages (50, ИОПП КАФ.50)
Elyutin S.O.

Elyutin Sergey O.

Advisor to the Rector Office of the Rector (РЕКТОРАТ)
Professor Department of Physics (23, ИОПП КАФ.23)
Teacher NRNU MEPhI Secondary School 1511 (ПРЕДУНИВЕР 1511)
Eremenko N.A.

Eremenko Nataliya A.

Associate Professor Department of Russian as a Foreign Language (49, ИОПП КАФ.49)
Ermachenkov A.A.

Ermachenkov Aleksey A.

Senior Lecturer Department of Physical Education (15, ИОПП КАФ.15)
Esaulov M.N.

Esaulov Mihail N.

Associate Professor Department of Physical Education (15, ИОПП КАФ.15)

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