Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems

Chepik N.A.

Chepik Nadezhda A.

Senior Lecturer Department of Computer Systems and Technologies (12, ИИКС КАФ.12)
Chepin E.V.

Chepin Evgeniy V.

Specialist in Educational and Methodical Work Department of Computer Systems and Technologies (12, ИИКС КАФ.12)
Associate Professor Department of Computer Systems and Technologies (12, ИИКС КАФ.12)
Chugunkov I.V.

Chugunkov Ilya V.

Deputy Director Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems (575, ИИКС)
Leading Research Fellow Institute of Cyber Intelligence Systems (575, ИИКС)
Associate Professor Department of Computer Systems and Technologies (12, ИИКС КАФ.12)

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